Things You May Need to Know About Acne Scar

Adolescence and the early 20's are the stages in which acne is prevalent. Due to hormonal alterations during this transition, adolescents and young adults often have breakouts of acne. Pimple or acne breakouts can be attributed to a lot of factors. It could be hereditary, environmental or a matter of personal care and hygiene. Acne breakouts are not so much a discomfort but it can cause distress as they actually look unpleasant and distasteful. 
One who is conscientious about their appearance can suffer from low self -esteem because of acne. It apparently defiles a person's natural beauty. When not properly attended to, acne cannot only cause damage during the breakout, but more so over a substantial period of time as they can leave acne scars.
As much as acne is unappealing, acne scars are likewise unsightly. Much more so, acne scars can be permanent unless treatment measures -costly ones at that- are employed. Acne scarring is a common problem that besets teenagers and young adults. Yes, acne scars are visibly apparent, but what really are they? The scars left by acne are actually blemishes left behind by a breakout as a result of healing. When we say "scars", they are generally marks formed at the area of injury and are natural results of healing. Whenever the tissue is inflicted with injury, as in the case of acne, it is a natural bodily response to repair the tissue.

Some acne scars occur as there are times when the repairing process is in a disarray. Much more so, they can be permanent. There are two categories of acne scars: Raised scars and depressed acne scars. Raised scars are referred to as hypertropic scars and as the term implies, they form a mass on the skin surface often mistaken as acne. The acne has actually healed but since the individual is under the idea that the scars are still acne, they expect that it will eventually heal. They are in fact not aware that they are hypertropic acne scars and may persist for so many years.

Depressed scars, on the other hand, are the most common form of acne scars. A depression is left on the surface where an acne was previously present. Depressed scars which are formed as a result of an attack by the white blood cells and the loss of collagen during the process are generally harder to treat than raised scars. Acne scars serve to remind the individual of past acne that was manifest on the facial skin. Instigated by the body's response to acne lesions, acne scars can be diminished with various treatment modalities available in the market today. It may well be wise to consult your dermatologist during an acne breakout so as to be aware and informed of the proper measures to be implemented for prevention of acne scars.

It is best to prevent the formation of scars so as to avoid unnecessary costs for expensive treatments later on. But once acne scars have already beset you, there are numerous options for treatment ranging from different beauty products and regimen as well as medical procedures. Flawless skin can be restored with advancements in technology and the beauty industry only if one is willing to pay for the price of beauty. With proper understanding of acne scars and awareness of proper care and means to address the problem, it is possible to be free of unsightly acne scars. After acne scars, the skin's radiance and smoothness can be renewed with a suitable treatment method for you.